Sunday, June 2, 2013

Allow me to introduce myself...

   This is my crazy family!  My husband of almost 16 years, Jay (he is the hot stud in the back) and on the far right is my 14 year old, Rylee.  To the left of Rylee is my 10 year old, Addy.  Then there is Layla, who is the 4 year old being held sideways and Remi the 2 year old being held in the air by my studly husband.  I am that red head on the far left rocking the striped shirt.  Now that you know who we are, I would like to tell you a little bit about our journey. 
  We have felt the calling to go into full time ministry for a few years now.  We put it on the back burner because we had other things going on in our lives, like adopting our two beautiful little girls and being a part of a church plant with people we proudly call family.  We have been praying and seeking counsel for about a year, when we realized that we were sinning if we did not do what the Lord was calling us to do. is the crazy part.  What did we do?  Well we moved out of a 2100sqft home and into a 125sqft sardine can.  Just kidding, it is an RV.  This blog will be my point of view on day to day life pursuing last, so that He may be glorified.  I look forward to what is in store. 
  If you want to learn more, you can check out our website (which is under construction) at
Soli Deo Gloria,

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