Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Open My Eyes


Our first night on the road was spent in the extremely small town of Sunset, TX.  At first impression it is a town that is filled with migrant oilfield and pipeline workers.  After taking some time to chat with folks, it is clear that it is a town starving for Jesus and His gospel. 
There is a culture here that is unfortunately not uncommon among small town America. Spiritual emptiness partnered with boredom and poverty leads these people to ruin.  Meth has destroyed idyllic ideas here and it seems that these folks are forgotten.  They have no permanent place to call home and put down roots and no one to be accountable to. I can't imagine the sense of isolation these folks must carry with them. 

Please be praying that the Holy Spirit moves in towns like these and that revival happens, also please pray that as believers our eyes are opened to those that are silently hurting.

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